16 Ocak 2011 Pazar

LabVIEW Digital Signal Processing

Author Cory L. Clark | Year 2005 | ISBN : 0071469664 | 225 pages |  Pdf | 8 MB

This is not a book about how to use LabVIEW or even a book on learning digital signal processing (DSP). Instead it is more of a practical guide on how to enable LabVIEW to tackle some real-world DSP and communication problems. This book assumes that the reader has a good grasp of many of the complex issues encountered in DSP and digital communications and also is at least skilled enough in LabVIEW to build a VI. When necessary, the book will dive into the heart of signal processing topics and their implications will be explored. Certain topics will be explained in enough detail so that the reader will know there is no hand waving or mystery involved. This material is meant to bridge the gap between obtaining theoretical knowledge and actually exercising that knowledge.

LabVIEW provides us with an excellent set of tools for examining all sorts of DSP and digital communication topics. Its graphical nature allows us to quickly and efficiently get to the core of a communication problem without all the overhead that generally accompanies a digital communication system. This book will start out at the beginning of the DSP realm—sampling a signal. The intermediate chapters will cover some basic building blocks and the final chapters will put it all together as a digital communication system.

Chapter 1. Digital Communications and LabVIEW
Chapter 2. Getting a Signal into LabVIEW
Chapter 3. Spectral Analysis
Chapter 4. Digital Filters
Chapter 5. Multirate Signal Processing in LabVIEW
Chapter 6. Generating Signals with LabVIEW
Chapter 7. Assembling the Pieces
Chapter 8. System Performance
Chapter 9. Optimizing LabVIEW Signal Processing

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